
This section is for dentists and physicians only. If you are a patient, please choose a different category or click here to return to the home page.

Thank you for visiting our website. We appreciate your confidence in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Ann Arbor to share in the care of your patients. Your satisfaction in our patient care is very important to us, and we will make every effort to make a visit to our practice a positive one.

If you are interested in having us visit your office to share information with your staff on oral and maxillofacial procedures that we perform, we would be happy to schedule a "Lunch and Learn". We have visited many offices and enjoy sharing how treatment procedures are handled at our office and answering any questions your staff might have. To schedule a "Lunch and Learn" session, either fill out the contact form below or call Nichole to schedule a date and time.

If you need a patient referral form, you may click here to print one (referral form) . We would be happy to mail referral pads to you - either make the request in the contact form below or phone our office at (734) 994-1040.

Contact us with the form below:

If you would like to email x-rays  to our office for a patient that we are or will be seeing at our office, please send your email to:

[email protected] and add the digital x-ray file as an attachment.

The digital file format preferred for your attachment is
.jpg which assures the best readable quality.